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This page is a translated version of the page Government forms and the translation is 7% complete.

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Government form defines the governance features, the way of exercising power. In all forms of government, there are such positions as a leader (or dictator), the minister of economy (economic adviser under dictatorship). Four out of five forms of government have parliament and position of foreign minister.

Different forms of government on the map

Parliamentary republic

Parliamentary republic – basic form of governance. All power belongs to the parliament

Presidential republic

Presidential republic arises after leader elections in a newly formed state.


  • Elections repeat every 5 days.
  • Power belongs to the law makers: parliament. Leader approves residency requests, assigns ministers, changes state color on the map, changes hymn and orders to the citizens of his state.
  • Laws can be accepted ahed of time in case of 50% + 1 votes PRO.
  • Leaders, Governors and Ministers get twice the wage in gold.


Dominant-party – form of government where there is only one party in the parliament, the one that gained the majority of the votes on parliament election.

In this case elections repeat as usual, once every 5 days. To move to this form of government the specific law must be passed and this law must have not less than 80% of PRO votes. This law can be passed only in 31 days after the State foundation.


Dictatorship – form of government where all the power belongs to the leader of the state. As in dominant-party you need a law with 80% of PRO votes passed in parliament. This law can be passed only in 31 days after the State foundation. You can only pass dictatorship law from Presidential republic. You can only pass dictatorship law once for every new parliament. To move back from dictatorship to the republic you need an action from dictator himself or a successful revolution in any of the state region.

State will also become a Presidential republic in case its capital was captured in war.


  • No elections.
  • All power belongs to the dictator.
  • Majority of laws are passed instantly.
  • Dictator has one economic adviser. He can pass economic laws: resources exploration, taxes, buildings upgrades etc. There is no position of foreign minister.

One-party system

One-party system – form of government that has a mixed character, the decision to move from a dictatorship to a one-party system is made by the dictator himself. In this form of government there is only one party in parliament: dictator's party.


  • Immediate transition from dictatorship and back to dictatorship.
  • One party in parliament.
  • The dictator can instantly pass his laws, but not laws of others.
  • No elections.
  • No foreign minister.

Executive monarchy

Executive monarchy – form of government that has a mixed character, the decision to move from a dictatorship to an executive monarchy system is made by the dictator himself, as in one-party system. In this form of government parliament plays the role of a council.


  • All votes for current bills in the parliament will be removed when the dictator cancels executive monarchy and transfers the state system back to the dictatorship.
  • Immediate transition from dictatorship and back to dictatorship.
  • Parliament elections.
  • Dictator can instantly pass his laws, but not laws of others.
  • Parliament can issue bills but they can be only passed if dictator (all laws) or economy adviser (only economy laws) voted for it.
  • No foreign minister.