From Rival Regions Wiki
Visi valstybių, autonomijų ir regionų sprendimai sprendžiami Seime. Diktatūros atvejų sprendimai priimami Seime, bet be laiko eikvojimo.
įstatymų sąrašas
Pajamų mokestis - nustato piniginį pajamų mokestį dirbantiems tiek privačiose tiek regioninėse gamyklose. Surinkti pinigai keliaują į įždą.
New building - upgrades building in the selected region.
Sell resources - puts budget resources for sale on special state market. Leaders/dictators of other states, economy ministers/advisors and autonomy governors can buy them at any time. All resources that are not sold for 7 days will return to the treasury.
War declaration - starts Ground war against region of other state/independent region with a common border. You will be able to choose attacking region of your state. You can't start a war on any region with an active Coup or Peace time.
Change state title - changes the name of the state, allows up to 22 symbols.
Change state coat of arms - changes state logo.
New parliament election - starts new parliament elections.
Military agreement - accepts/cancels military agreement with another state.
Leader impeachment - starts new state leader elections.
Region consolidation - initiates region consolidation. This law must be passed by the state that wants to transfer its region to another state.
Region consolidation confirmation - second part of region consolidation. This law must be passed by the state that want to accept region from another state. Time difference between this two laws must not be more than 1 hour. Can not be passed if region has an active war as an attacking region.
Independence declaration - grants full independence to any state region, except for the state capital. Stops all active coups/revolutions in the region.
Working in region without residency - determines if other players can work in this state without residency or work permit.
Resources exploration - conducts resources exploration for the desirable resource type in the chosen region.
Resources exploration: state - conducts resources exploration for the desirable resource type in all regions of the state. Restores to the maximum amount.
Migration agreement - accepts/cancels migration agreement.
Market taxes - sets taxes for market transactions.
Factories output taxes - sets a part of obtained ore/oil that will go to the budget when working on private factories. New taxes are set on all types of factories in every region of the state. Ministers of economics can set individual taxes for each type of resources in every region.
Purification of radioactive pollution - cleans nuclear contamination of the region.
Atidaryti/uždaryti pasienį - nustato pasienio statusą.
Change travel fee - sets travel fee, which must be payed to the state budget by players without you state residency every time they travel to any region of your state.
Sostinės perkėlimas - įstatymas leidžia perkelti sostinę š kitą regioną, vieną kartą per penkias dienas.
Commander status - assigns commander status to the state leader.
Parliament size - changes number of parliament seats. Options: 60, 80, 100, 150.
Residency - determines if the residency in this state will be issued by its leader, instead of free access to the residency (by default).
Sea war declaration - starts Sea war. Attacking and defending regions must be not more than 1000 km. apart and both have sea access. You can't start a war on any region with an active Coup or Peace time.
Space war declaration - starts Space war, attacking moon region. Attacking region must have high Spaceport building level.
Proclamation of dictatorship - transforms government form of the state to the dictatorship with the current state leader as a dictator. Not less than 80% of the Pro votes are needed to pass this law. This law can be passed only in 31 days after the State foundation.
Dominant-party - transforms government form of the state to the dominant-party system. Not less than 80% of the Pro votes are needed to pass this law. This law can be passed only in 31 days after the State foundation.
Autonomies management - accepts/cancels autonomy status in state regions.
Deep exploration - conducts deep resources exploration for the desirable resource type in the chosen region.
Budget transfer - sends resources/money from state budget to the another state/autonomy.
Set autonomy governor - assigns any player with level 40 or more and a residency in the autonomy as a Governor.
Attach to autonomy - attaches another region to the autonomy, making this autonomy bigger. Region and autonomy center must have common border or have a distance lower than 500 km.
Parliamentary term - changes parliamentary term. Default (short) is 5 days, long term is 10 days. Available for states that are older than 31 days.