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Medals show achievements in Rival Regions.

You can get medals for various actions, contests or by helping Rival Regions.

Medals are displayed on the player's page, under avatar.

List of medals

Here you will find all medals in the game. Some of them are already not available.

Beta-testing medal Unavailable
Medal for creating a party Available
Medal for largest damage in war Available
Revolution medal Available
Medal for winning a battle Unavailable
Medal for translation Available
Medal for level up Unavailable
Medal for teaching new citizens Available
Medal for contributing to the game Available
Medal for winning in contest Unavailable
Medal for leader term Available
Medal for newspaper creation Available
Journalist medal Available
Soldier of the hour Available
Medal for finding multiaccount Unavailable
Medal for joining our group Unavailable
Medal for setting status Unavailable
Medal for joining a party Available
Daily bonus Unavailable
Rebel medal Available
War activity medal Available
Commander medal Available
Medal for the contest Unavailable
Factories Unavailable
Medal for Moscow Unavailable
Economics medal Available
Foreign minister medal Available
Medal for one year in Rival Regions Available
Medal for taking over North Pole Unavailable
Dictator medal Available
Medal for your first damage Unavailable
Best journalist of the day medal Available
Berlin medal Unavailable
Paintball medal Unavailable
Medal for wall repost Unavailable
Governor medal Available
Labour medal Unavailable
First perk medal Unavailable
Market medal Unavailable
Energy medal Unavailable
Novice training medal Unavailable
Medal for political article Unavailable
Medal for working on private factory Available
Reader medal Available
Medal for your first war damage Unavailable
Medal for level 60 Available
Article medal Available
Medal for voting (parliament) Available
Medal for voting (primaries) Available
Medal for academy Available
Medal for the 2016 contest Unavailable
Working class hero medal Available
Nurser medal Available
Region capture medal for dealing more than 3.000.000 damage in war on attacking side. War must result in region capture. Available
Region defending medal for dealing more than 3.000.000 damage in war on defending side. War must result in region defending. Available
Happy new year medal for celebrate new year Unavailable
Level up for achieved level 100 Available
#rrirl medal for meeting with an RR player Available
International Day of Human Space Flight for flying to the moon on that date Unavailable
Journalist medal (top in language) for the article with more karma on the day Available
World Cup medal for winner a event "World Cup 2018" in RR Unavailable
Moderator medal for becoming an moderator Available
Mars medal for visit Mars Available

State and party medals

Any State leader or Party head can issue a special medal. You can chose one of three medal types with different Gold award. You will also be able to write a description for this medal.

You will pay 20% more than this award.

State leader can send this medals to any player with a residency in his state or bloc, providing he had his residency for more than a week.

Party head can send them to any member of his party, providing they both joined this party more than a week ago and party head takes office for more than 5 days.

Both Party head and State leader must have more experience than player they send the medal to.

You can only send this medals to the same player once a week.

You will find a link to the awarding page (if available) on donation page.