"Krant" is een handige tool voor het schrijven van articles van verschillende mensen onder een bedrijf.
Spelers kunnen hoofdredacteur worden in een onbeperkt aantal kranten.
For the opening of your first newspaper there is a special button in the Articles tab. You can open additional newspapers too.
Also on this page editor in chief can view all the articles and change logo, name and description of his newspapers. You can also open list of your journalists and grant them editor in chief status or fire.
You can hire a new journalist using his profile page. You will need to specify your newspaper id.
By clicking on the logo on the edit page, you can see your newspaper profile as it's viewed by other players. There is also the number of subscribers and clickable list of all the articles and journalists of newspaper.
In addition, there is a list of newspapers, sorted by the number of subscribers available from the Articles tab.