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All laws must be passed through parliament. Here you can see players, whose parties took seats in the result of parliament elections earlier. You will also find a list of bills yet to pass, list of political parties with/without parliament seats and accepted/unaccepted laws.

Parliament size

You can modify the size of parliament by passing the law, available values: 60, 80, 100, 150 seats. The default size is 100 seats.

Parliament elections

Elections start every 5 (default) or 10 days (term can be changed using a law, after 31 days since the creation of the state has passed) and last for 24 hours. The current parliament works as usual until the end of elections. To take part in elections you should have level 50 and have a residency in parliament region (or in one of the state regions) for at least 24 hours.

You can vote for any political party, that was created before the start of the elections. If there is no parties in region/state the elections will start in 48 hours after the creation of the first party. If no one voted for any party the former parliament continues its work.

Parliament seats

Party will not take seats in the parliament if it had less than 1% of votes at the elections. At the end of the elections all parties are assigned with a percentage of seats to the nearest hundredth. Percentages are displayed on the Parliament page if you hover your mouse over the party (bottom right corner). Then the parties are assigned with parliament seats, according to the percentage they got + 1 additional place if there are free places.

For example, parliament size is 150. Party A got 9% on the elections, party B got 90.1% and party C got 0.9% of total votes.

Party C doesn't get any seats.

Party A gets 9% out of 150 seats: 13.5, rounded to 13 seats (rounding always down).

Party B gets 91.1% out of 150 seats: 135.15 rounded to 135 seats.

148 seats out of 150 are allocated. Two seats remain.

The first party to get 1 additional seat will be Party A, party B also gets 1 additional seat.

All 150 seats are allocated.

Seats allocation inside each party is done according to the results of earlier primaries, player level (in case of equal number of primaries votes) and date of joining the party (in case of equal levels and primaries votes). You can not vote and issue laws if your level is less than 50.

There can be a situation, when a party can not fully use its quota if it has less members than its allocated number of seats in the parliament.

Independent region elections

If any region gains independence (through law or coup/revolution) the parliament elections will start only in 24 hours.

Issuing and passing laws

Law will pass if it has more than 50% Pro votes at the end of the review time. Two laws are exceptions: dictatorship and dominant-party laws: you will need more than 80% of the Pro votes to pass them.

Passing laws ahead of time

Some laws can be accepted ahead of time, if the number of votes Pro is more than half of the parliament size. Exceptions:

  • New parliament election
  • Leader impeachment
  • Region consolidation confirmation
  • Independence declaration
  • Proclamation of dictatorship
  • Dominant-party

Leader with a commander status can accept war laws ahead of time.

Minister of economics

Minister of economics can accept/cancel ahead of time the following laws:

  • Changing of tax rate
  • New building
  • Sell resources
  • Change budget oil/ore taking percentage
  • Resources exploration
  • Market taxes
  • Factories output taxes
  • Deep exploration
  • Budget transfer

Foreign minister

Foreign minister can accept/cancel the following bills:

  • Military agreement
  • Migration agreement
  • Close/open borders
  • Change travel fee


In case of dictatorship laws are passed within seconds after they are issued. Exceptions (for dictator):

  • Region consolidation
  • Region consolidation confirmation
  • Independence declaration

Economic advisor can issue the following laws:

  • Changing of tax rate
  • New building
  • Sell resources
  • Change budget oil/ore taking percentage
  • Resources exploration
  • Market taxes
  • Factories output taxes
  • Deep exploration