Articles are the main source of information about Rival Regions life.
Players can post articles, translate, rate them and leave comments.
Articles tab
Here you can find articles that are posted in newspapers by one of the journalists or on behalf of the author. You can post an article once every hour.
You can get a daily medal for the article with a highest rating (overall and also language-specific daily best journalist medals). These medals are issued at the end of the RR day (18:00 GMT). Articles with a category Contests and lotteries can not earn these medals.
Local rating
Every player has a language sector where his votes count as local votes for local rating (in addition to general rating). You can see best articles of particular language sorted by local rating. Local rating is used for defining language-specific daily best journalist medals winners (currently for 20 different languages).
Controversial articles
Here you can see a list of articles (not older than 3 days) sorted in the descending order by the value of MINIMUM(NUMBER OF "+", NUMBER OF "-"). So if an article has, for example, 50 "+" and 75 "-" the value of 50 will be taken for this rating. The idea is that an article with such a distribution of the votes is "polarising".
Journalist medal presented every day to the author of the best article |